Sarah Care Ltd– Profile
The company was formed in April 2009 by Sarah Bradley and Nigel Bradley. The Company provides Care and Support to individuals in their own homes on a one to one basis. We currently operate in the South and West of the city, with our head office being situated in Halfway. The company is inspected and registered with the Care Quality Commission.
Our Aims & Objectives
We aim to provide our Service User’s with a comprehensive service of care of the highest quality within their own homes.
We strive to offer a flexible, efficient and professional service that is tailored to meet the needs of the individual.
We will treat each Service User with respect and remain sensitive to his / her individual needs and abilities, and aim to promote the Service User’s independence and personal dignity.

The quality of our service to you
We will always seek to ensure that you receive the best possible care. Our Care Manager will undertake regular quality assurance visits and quality control checks. These visits enable us to improve our services as required, by acting upon your feedback. You will have the opportunity to talk with our Care Manager and have a friend or relative present if you require. You may also contact the Care Manager at any time to discuss your requirements by calling us on our office number 0114 2485658.
At least once a year, you will be offered a questionnaire asking you to record your satisfaction or otherwise with the care you are receiving from us.
The result of the survey will be collated and presented to the senior management team. The Care Manager will also undertake a quality control check on all care workers. This involves visiting and assessing care workers whilst they are on duty to monitor the care we deliver. We are committed to a quality culture and you can be assured that any information that is recorded as part of our quality assurance process will be treated with the utmost privacy.